The Nevada Mesquite Republican Women (NvMRW) is a local club and Charter Members of the National and Nevada Federation of Republican Women. We were originally chartered as a “Women’s Club” through the National Federation of Republican Women, however, we have always and continue to recognize the important role our male partners and friends play in our success. We are stronger as a team and together, we will continue to Grow Nevada RED!
Founded in 1938, the Federation is a grassroots political organization with thousands of active members in local clubs across the America, making it one of the largest and most influential women’s political organizations in the country. The Federation strengthens the Republican Party by recruiting, training and electing candidates, advocating the Party’s philosophy and initiatives and empowering women of all ages, ethnicities & backgrounds in the political process.
Once an auxiliary of the Republican National Committee (RNC), the NFRW is financially and organizationally independent today. The NFRW concentrates its efforts in the areas of educating, communicating, recruiting, campaigning, fundraising, training and legislative action. One of the NFRW’s primary objectives is to empower women in the political process by providing a forum for women to serve as leaders in the political, government and civic arenas.
Founded in 1950, the Nevada Federation of Republican Women provides leadership to 19 clubs throughout the State, with approximately 1300 members. The NvFRW helps clubs to organize & participate in education, leadership, “GET OUT THE VOTE” efforts, Constitutional workshops, precinct organization and engage in community service events.
- To support the Republican Ideals of a.) Limited government as supported by the framework established by the Constitution and b.) Fiscal responsibility.
- To inform the public through political education and activity.
- To foster loyalty to the Republican Party at all levels of government.
- To promote the principles of the Republican Party.
- To participate in community, State and National politics.
- To support the objectives and policies of the Republican National Committee (RNC).
- To influence the objectives & policies of the National Federation of Republican Women, the Nevada Federation of Republican Women & the Republican National Committee.
- To become informed at all levels of government through political education and activity.
- To meet with various National and State Republican candidates and elected officials.
- Stay informed on important legislative issues on a local, State and National level.
- Full members are automatically granted membership in the Nevada State Federation of Republican Women (NvFRW) and are eligible to be named delegates to any regional, state or national meeting or convention.
- To meet local Republican women in order to increase our effectiveness in the cause of good government.
- To network with other Nevada Republican Women’s clubs throughout the State.
- Discounts on classes and events.
- Free Business Advertising in Newsletter and on Website.
Executive Board of Directors:
President – Karen D Campbell
1st VP (Programs) Kami Ault
2nd VP (Membership) Pattie Gallo
Patty Shelato
Secretary – Marci Mangione
Treasurer – DeeAnna Galbraith
Immediate Past President – Sue Zarubin
Parliamentarian – Linda Shannon
Contact phone number is Karen Campbell’s
Meeting location:
Mesquite Veteran’s Center
840 E Hafen Lane
Doors open at 5:00, meeting starts at 5:30
Meeting dates:
January 8th
February 12th
March 12th
April 9th
May 14th
June 11th
September 10th
November 12th
December tba